In my humble opinion, I highly recommend the addition of the track right below as a background score to further enhance your enjoyment.
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Inspiration is an interesting thing. All too often inspiration is not given the amount of respect and consideration it deserves. Inspiration is defined by as:
a: a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation
b: the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions
What thought provoking notions.
Through the most basic of common sense, taking into consideration the definition marked "a." It would be safe to establish that for something to come from the divine. Would suggest that whatever is provided and from whomever the provision originates. Is of a nature and caliber that one would more than likely consider as extraordinary, exceptional, and rare. But is it from the divine? Is it too difficult to believe that these occur more frequently than one would originally deduce?
How about a change in paradigm. What if forming connections with people is the true definition and essence of the divine? What if growing with and from people is the true embodiment of divinity?
With that being said. Think about how we all inspire each other everyday. Even if you were to encounter a person you didn't know, for but a few seconds. Is it not safe to say that this person you have briefly encountered, no matter how short or supposedly meaningless the interaction or lack thereof. Becomes a part of you? Even if only a .0001% part of you?
To think that even in such a seemingly small phenomena there is much to derive. For if a person becomes a part of you, no matter how small. That would suggest that they have a certain level of influence, no matter how small. Further expounding on this line of thought. It can be ascertained that influence and inspiration are closely interrelated and intertwined.
How so?
The definition of inspiration labeled "b" in the above example. States that when one is inspired their intellect and/or emotions are moved. With that being said. If even someone who has become a .0001% part of us, has the smallest amount of influence on us. Then how much more so for the ones we keep close to our hearts? How much influence do they inspire in us? It is simply breathtaking in the most beautiful and tragic of ways. How the ones we consider dear exert such a control over our hearts and minds. Just as much if not more so, to the variety of degrees we can and do manifest our influence on theirs.
From this perspective. The moments both positive and negative, good and bad shared with other people. Can never be looked at the same, how can they be? Imagine someone who could not care less about you or your dreams. Imagine someone who withholds their two hands, depriving you of their warm care and concern. Likewise, imagine someone who cares about your dreams even when you yourself have abandoned them. Imagine someone who with their own two hands, would do almost anything to make your dreams physical. So that you no longer have to merely picture them in your head and behind your eyes. While you were ever curious with what it would be like to actually touch those dreams.
You have more power and confidence than you think. You need only take note of the people that you keep around you to see how fortunate and rich you really are. Likewise, you can see how fortunate and rich people are in regards to the ones who keep you around them (assuming you are pulling your weight of course). As long as both factions keep an air of genuine concern and compassion. Both sides should prove to be at peace with each other and within themselves.
Only through Unity can we achieve true freedom. Are our loves and hates not intertwined? Do people not have the power to inspire both happiness and sadness in one another? Do people not yearn for someone to shed a beam of warm light on their frozen cardiac tundra? Do people not long to be acknowledged for their efforts? Do people not crave to be understood for their similar differences, as well as their different similarities?
If you remind yourself that you too long and crave for these very same things. Perhaps you will awaken from your million year slumber. And signal to the one behind the bars of their invisible prison, slave to their pain and torment. That you will help them to break free from their abysmal anguish. Unveiling a world on the other side of their hope. A world they dreamt about every night as they were fast asleep.
From your inspiration fueled prison break. In turn you infect another and inspire them to do the same. Like a sublime virus. Bodies of bitter hatred and unforgiveness are consumed and destroyed. Liberating tears of both joy and sorrow, that longed to be released from its optical well. Serenity then introduces itself. Giving rise to an eon born of ascension and calm. From beneath layers of snow and ice, flowers suddenly bloom.
Through Concentration and Effort, we achieve True Excellence. But Only through the earnest Service of One Another, can this state of Greatness Continue to Exist. And Only through the Continual Presence of This Sublime Condition can we Move Forward. Individually, and Together as a Whole. As Opposed to just Carrying On As Individuals Lost Amidst Chaos and Ill Will.
Growing but never Grown. Accomplished but never Finished. Content but never Satisfied. C'est la vie.
Thoughts => Words => Actions => Habits => Being => Teaching => Leading
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